Tuesday 13 November 2018

Abolishment of Standard 1,2,3 exam

 Nowadays , the news broadcast many students commit suicide due to excessive stress of academic. The education ministry found out this problem and abolish exam of standard 1,2 & 3 to reduce stress. When I first heard this news,  I felt a little unfair for the students that already sat for standard 1,2 & 3 exam. Abolishment of exam have its advantages and disadvantages.

It is true that exam abolishment can reduce stress.Some students even suffer from melancholia because of exam. This reduce the percentage of students suffering from this disease. Without exam, students don’t need to study more frequently and they can use the extra time to do what they are interested. Some parents even hold high hopes for their child and forced them to study more. Without exam, parents will not scold or forced their child and their relationship will be closer.

Abolish exam also brings some disadvantages. Exam is to let us know our standard so we will make an improvement on the subject we are poor. We can individualised quality education so that our poor subjects become very strong. Exam can also create a competitive environment. Students will study more so that they will get a better result than others. This means that examination is a motivation for students to study harder.

In my opinion, the minister should not abolish exam, but I believe this policy will help students a lot in reducing stress.

Thursday 4 October 2018


UPSR 已经结束了,转眼间,我们已在时中分校读了6年,6年的时间,既不多,也不少。同学们都彼此希望时间能够停止,不再向前流动。然而时间依旧“滴答滴答”的走,如流水一般地从我们指缝间流去。当我们发觉想要去抓住它时,它已经消失得无影无踪。唉。。。。。。这也代表着我们就快毕业了。真舍不得我们的时中分校啊~但天无不散之宴席,不管怎样,我们还得分开,还得离去,我们别无选择。😔


还是我的朋友们最好,在这6年来,遇到问题,不管是学业,运动,我的朋友们都适时“给我一只手”(LENDING A HELPING HAND)助我度过难关。感谢朋友们的帮助和关心,滴水之恩,涌泉相报,我会尽力回报你们。希望你们过得开心,不要因毕业而感到伤心!

还有,感谢老师,是你的谆谆教诲,让我们成长,勇敢面对未来。师恩如山,老师,你们给予了我们生命的色彩,我们将永远铭记! 老师,也许我们曾让您们担忧,但是更多的时刻是我们让您们骄傲!感谢老师的循循善诱,您们像我们人生的照明灯,照亮我们的道路!




Tuesday 10 July 2018

A New Malaysia 😍😍😍

Malaysia, our country, our hope, our pride.

9 years ago, Dato’ Seri Najib Razak became the prime Minister of our country. He was very good to his people at first but after a few years, he started to involve in corruption. He created a group named “1MDB” and he took all the money from it. He made the money his own and used it to buy branded bags for his wife. He arrears money from other countries and made all the people mad, furious and unhappy.

Many people were happy and satisfied because Dato’ Seri Najib Razak was no longer the
 Prime Minister. He don’t have the authority to take money from the
 finance again. Remember when Dato’ Seri Najib Razak was the Prime Minister,everyone 
was unhappy, but now,everyone was so excited and happy. This 
was definitely a new Malaysia.
The Merdeka Day is just around the corner. I think that the Merdeka Day this year will be 
happier. People definitely likes the new Malaysia more. Lesser crime, 
lesser sadness, lesser greed. Patriotism is love of country.So,we must be patriotic to our
 country ,love our new Malaysia.

Tuesday 26 June 2018

A memorable experience

Related image
Photo via Google

December of the previous year, my dad brought me and my family to Perth,Australia for a trip. We went to many famous tourist attractions there in 9 days such as Lancelin sand dune,Caversham Wildlife Park,Fremental ,Pinnacle and so on. The place I could never forget was the Lancelin sand dune.

Lancelin has become one of Australia’s premier sand boarding destinations. There are pure white sand dunes that are over three stories high.There is no entrance fee.We get there in a camper van named "BRITZ".Then,we rent some sleds and started our sand boarding adventure. At first,we didn't know how to sand board.But,we try and try and finally we can do it.I enjoy sand boarding there.We took many photos there as memento.

It is beautiful,right?
At night,we slept in the camper van.We can transform the sofa in to a bed with just a flick of the finger. There was a mini kitchen,a toilet,driver's seat and many more equipment.We would have to stop at the holiday park to add the utilities supplies that provide us water and electricity in the camper van.

We have a whale of time there.it was a memorable experience for me.I am on cloud nine because my father promised to bring us there again this December.😆😆😆

Monday 28 May 2018

Old is gold

Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk about a proverb—Old Is Gold. The meaning of Old is gold is whatever is old is important as gold. Things that can be valued as gold include  old coins,historical buildings,and even old people.So,I am going to give an example for this proverb.

As you all know, the election🗳is just held. At last, Tun .Mahathir. won the election. This year ,Tun. Mahathir was already 93 years old,but he can still care about the whole country,Malaysia.See,old is gold. Do you know why? He,Tun. Mahathir already live for almost 100 years and he has much experience, so he already know about what will happen if he do this or do that . He can also use methods to keep his enemy unprepared and lost the election.This is the main reason he can be the seventh minister for the second time.

Old is gold. We should always remember and cherish precious things,old people, experience ,historical buildings because they will not appear again in future or we can’t even make another . So,cherish everything you have,don’t be greedy!!!

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Save the earth🌏

Hi guys ,it’s Esther here again!See, do you know what is this?
This is something I made out of clay, and look!I wrote ‘ LOVE THE EARTH’ on this small ribbon ,or maybe a banner? I don’t care what is it, I wrote that to remind all of us to protect the earth.🌏
Do you know about the Earth Day? The Earth Day is on the 22nd of April and it is held to demonstrate support for environmental protection.Now, our Mother Earth is seriously polluted. The main pollution on the earth are air pollution, light pollution, noise pollution and water pollution.All this pollution were caused by  the human on the earth.They kept littering on the ground but did not care about the pollution they caused.
There are many ways to protect the earth.We can plant 🌲 around us as trees can provide us fresh air.We can pick up the rubbish on the floor and throw them into the rubbish bin to prevent soil contamination. We can avoid using insect killer to avoid toxic to pollute the air. There are many more ways to protect the earth.
As a conclusion, we must save the earth from being seriously polluted.SAVE THE EARTH, although the earth day is already held!

Monday 23 April 2018

My heart was broken because of you..

Many of us like to eat salmon. Eating salmon helps to maintain optimal health.Eating salmon also can keep your bones and joints strong.Salmon could help relieve dry eye syndrome too.Consuming salmon may help provide glowing and more supple skin.There are many benefits of eating salmon.But,why I hate salmon?

At first,I like salmon.I think the taste of salmon is fantastic.But,a dreadful thing happen cause me to have salmon phobia.

Last year,it was December.My mother told me something bad.It was about my friend,Lawrence went to Johor for a visit.He ate sushi and salmon there and was attack by virus. His main reason that cause him to be attack by virus is eating raw salmon.He was lying in the hospital for almost a month and left us peacefully this January.Since that day,I had salmon phobia and does not dare to eat salmon again .

Salmon is good,but don't eat too much as it is dangerous too.

Monday 9 April 2018

I am Me! 👸=👩!

I am me!Do you know what I mean?You will know when you look at this picture.
I am me!What do you think?On the left,it's the REAL me.On the right,it's a model i made out from polymer clay.Are "them" alike?
Well,there is another photo with another background too.
On the grass....this feeling is so good.
Well,my intention to write THIS blog is to tell you about the tools I use to made this clay(only this model).
Well,I put this photo on X Large size....Hope you can see it clearly.The first,second and third tool is the most useful tool.It is given when you buy the set of clay.The fourth tool is just an ordinary scissors .You can use it to cut clay.The six tools with a light blue color is actually for making fondant,but I think I maybe can use them to make clay and I found it useful.Last,YOU may not know what is that,it actually is a cutting knife design as a pen.You can use it to cut out odd shapes.And,the gree mat I use to put my tools is actually a cutting mat used as a 'clay table'.
There are more clay tools that I use to make clay models.Beware of my blog to find out more!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1xFRIu-BHM    This is a Youtube link for my video.Click to find out.

Sunday 8 April 2018

Where there's a will,there's a way

As we all know that nothing is impossible in this world however it is very difficult to achieve something in life without determination and will power.
Image result for where there's a will there's a way

 If we really determine to do something ,whether easy or tough, we can do it.If we don’t have strong determination and will towards our goal, we cannot work hard and cannot achieve success in life. 

Many people will say :"This is 'Mission Impossible'!I can't do this!"when they face difficulties.According to Napoleon ,impossibility is a myth, having no reality at all.He even said that 'Impossibility"this word in only in the dictionary of fools.So,we can conclude that,everything is possible.

Jamie N Commons even wrote a song called "Where there's a will,there's a way".I think he really agree with this sayings.

Remember,where there's a will there's a way.So,don't give up when you face difficulties!
Image result for path

Monday 26 March 2018

My favourite art ----- Clay

Hey guys this is Esther here and today I am going to talk about my favourite art ------clay.I love clay very much as I have tell you in my previous blog. https://rmrockandmilo.blogspot.my/2018/01/this-is-popular-thingits-super-light.html

I also sell some of the clay work I made to my friends upon request.I think my friend,Steff and Cia Shuen are the most supportive "customer" of mine.They bought many clay work from me.I took some photos of the work before selling it to them.

Want some honey?Winnie is here with the honey.(Just for Cia Shuen )But,the honey is not for you!😝

This is Draco Malfoy ,upon Steff's request,and was sold out to be given to my friend,Jing Ting as a birthday gift.It was sold out  for RM 5 including a box,

Ha!This is Hermoine Granger,upon Steff's request,and was sold out for RM 5.

There are still more clay I sold out but I did not tell you here.Bye!

Monday 19 March 2018

Something that happen to me once🙋

Remember that day,it was 17 February.I went on the bus with my athlete friends and the teachers.I was going on a cross-country run.

When we reached the destination,we warm-up ourselves to avoid any injuries.Then,we went to prepare for the run.We heard the speech of the organizer and stand behind the starting line.We heard a loud "BAMMMMM!" All the athletes started to rush all the way to the finishing line.I started to run too.Out of the blue,I felt a force pushing me.I fell to the ground and roll to the grassland beside.My knee started to bleed.But,I doesn't care.I continue to run.

I run and run,util I saw the finishing line.I endure the pain and dashed to the finishing line.When I ran through the finishing line,I received a small paper.The paper says"17".I was shocked when I found out I had won the 17th prize.The teacher took me to the St.John for treatment.I felt so touched.

Well,the scars on my knee can prove all this.

Abolishment of Standard 1,2,3 exam

 Nowadays , the news broadcast many students commit suicide due to excessive stress of academic. The education ministry found out this prob...