Tuesday 13 November 2018

Abolishment of Standard 1,2,3 exam

 Nowadays , the news broadcast many students commit suicide due to excessive stress of academic. The education ministry found out this problem and abolish exam of standard 1,2 & 3 to reduce stress. When I first heard this news,  I felt a little unfair for the students that already sat for standard 1,2 & 3 exam. Abolishment of exam have its advantages and disadvantages.

It is true that exam abolishment can reduce stress.Some students even suffer from melancholia because of exam. This reduce the percentage of students suffering from this disease. Without exam, students don’t need to study more frequently and they can use the extra time to do what they are interested. Some parents even hold high hopes for their child and forced them to study more. Without exam, parents will not scold or forced their child and their relationship will be closer.

Abolish exam also brings some disadvantages. Exam is to let us know our standard so we will make an improvement on the subject we are poor. We can individualised quality education so that our poor subjects become very strong. Exam can also create a competitive environment. Students will study more so that they will get a better result than others. This means that examination is a motivation for students to study harder.

In my opinion, the minister should not abolish exam, but I believe this policy will help students a lot in reducing stress.

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Abolishment of Standard 1,2,3 exam

 Nowadays , the news broadcast many students commit suicide due to excessive stress of academic. The education ministry found out this prob...