Our bodies are made from the nutrients we extract from foods without resembling those foods. The nutritional content of what we eat determines the composition of our cell membranes, bone marrow, blood, and hormones. But if we eat many junk food such as :
,it may causes diseases such as obese,high blood pressure and diabetes

that can affect our health.
But,eating too less is also bad for our health.Just like me,I am shorter and lighter than other same-age friends.I think all of you know it,right?It's because I dislike eating meat but love to eat fruits and vegetables.
To avoid any diseases,we can eat more low-energy-dense foods. Low-energy-dense foods contain few calories per unit volume of food so that one can eat a large volume of it without taking in many calories.We should also eat less of the high-energy-dense foods.We should eat a balance diet according to the food pyramid,just like the picture below.

Remember,you are what you eat,so don't eat too much or too less to have a healthy body!
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