Monday 15 January 2018

My Ambition

Hi guys! Right,just like I mentioned in the title,this time I'm gonna discuss about my AMBITION.

Many of my friends are very ambitious. They wanted to be doctor,teacher,singer,artist and so on.Some people think that a doctor is a good career,but I cannot entirely agree with their opinion.A doctor have to work 7-24 hours.So,I don't want to be a doctor.But,what do I want to be?
To be frank,I don't have an ambition at the moment.Maybe you will be shocked,or whatever feelings,but this is fact.I have think of some ambition before,but I just forgot them because I lost my interest or think I don't have the ability to become those.Well,my first choice was to be a teacher,just like my mother.Second,I want to be a pianist because I like to play the piano.Then,I think I want to be a singer because I also like to sing too.Last,I thought I can be an artist because drawing is my favourite hobby.I like to sketch and paint.Now,I don't know what I can be.Maybe a chessmaster like Hou YiFan,or an inline skater like Tiago Inline Skater?I don't know.😩Sigh.......

Last,I will conclude by saying......I have no ambition.🈚🈚🈚

Hahaha....See you on next blog!😄

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